<aside> ๐ŸŒ Force of Nature is a global youth-led organization mobilising mindsets for climate action, with a student network of 1000+ in over 50 countries. We empower young people to turn their climate anxiety into agency, and decision-makers to shift from climate apathy to action.




In this 28-days challenge, you will explore your climate emotions, understand your sphere of influence and find power in community.

Why are your emotions important in facing the climate crisis?

Living in the age of the climate and ecological crisis can surface difficult feelings. While it's easy to be overwhelmed by them, understanding them - and learning to harness them - are critical to taking action. This requires self-reflection, connection with others, and focusing on how we can show up for the issues we care about.

So, we created the 28-day challenge to help you on this journey.

By the end of the next 4 weeks, you will:

How it works:

  1. Make a duplicate of this page, and add the board to your own Notion space (see video for instructions).
  2. Join our slack community and meet like-minded individuals who come from all walks of life. You'll be able to connect with other participants and share insights, comments, or your experience throughout the 28 days.
  3. For each morning of the challenge, open up the daily reading and exercise. These should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Check off each Daily Practice when you're done and try not to skip ahead โ€”ย it's best if we move at the same pace, as a group.